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DISCLAIMER: (Hijamabodycare.com)
& GANDHI NATIONAL ACADEMY OF NATUROPATHY, Registration No. 8145, Kuldeep Singh Do not practice medicine. We do not examine, diagnose, treat, offer to treat, cure, or attempt to cure any physical or mental disease or disorder, physical deformity, or physical injury. AND WE DO NOT RECOMMEND CHANGING OR DISCONTINUING ANY PRESCRIBED DRUG OR MEDICATION. If you have a health emergency or need medical treatment, you should consult your primary care doctor. It is the exclusive responsibility of the client to obtain proper medical treatment as an alternative to or in addition to the services provided by the hijama practitioner and alternative medicine practitioner.

Whereas the parties to this agreement share the view that it is every individual’s right to seek the healthcare and wellness services of their choosing, relying further on their constitutionally protected rights to engage in private partnerships and contracts of their choosing, alternative medicine and hijama are spiritual practices that date to ancient Egypt. It is an entirely natural process with no negative side effects.
The client affirms: • I am not a licenced physician. • The therapy is an alternative to or supplementary to state-licenced healing arts services.
The practitioner will use a surgical blade to create a shallow incision on my body in order to scrape the surface of my skin and extract a small quantity of poisonous blood at their discretion. I am aware that each treatment may not provide rapid benefits. I accept complete responsibility for my treatment and have chosen Hijama Cupping Therapy. To release nitric oxide and cleanse the capillaries, wet cupping therapy was one of the most essential Ancient Egyptian treatments. Capillaries make up 95% of the blood vessels and are at significant risk of clogging with lipids, heavy metals, pesticides, hormones, dead blood cells, and platelets, among other substances. This will eventually result in several ailments, including atherosclerosis, autoimmune disorders, blood thickening, and cancer. Dietary, psychological, and hereditary variables alter blood circulation in the capillaries.


DISCLAIMER: (Hijamabodycare.com)
& GANDHI NATIONAL ACADEMY OF NATUROPATHY, Registration No. 8145, Kuldeep Singh Do not practice medicine. We do not examine, diagnose, treat, offer to treat, cure, or attempt to cure any physical or mental disease or disorder, physical deformity, or physical injury. AND WE DO NOT RECOMMEND CHANGING OR DISCONTINUING ANY PRESCRIBED DRUG OR MEDICATION. If you have a health emergency or need medical treatment, you should consult your primary care doctor. It is the exclusive responsibility of the client to obtain proper medical treatment as an alternative to or in addition to the services provided by the hijama practitioner and alternative medicine practitioner.

Whereas the parties to this agreement share the view that it is every individual’s right to seek the healthcare and wellness services of their choosing, relying further on their constitutionally protected rights to engage in private partnerships and contracts of their choosing, alternative medicine and hijama are spiritual practices that date to ancient Egypt. It is an entirely natural process with no negative side effects.
The client affirms: • I am not a licenced physician. • The therapy is an alternative to or supplementary to state-licenced healing arts services.
The practitioner will use a surgical blade to create a shallow incision on my body in order to scrape the surface of my skin and extract a small quantity of poisonous blood at their discretion. I am aware that each treatment may not provide rapid benefits. I accept complete responsibility for my treatment and have chosen Hijama Cupping Therapy. To release nitric oxide and cleanse the capillaries, wet cupping therapy was one of the most essential Ancient Egyptian treatments. Capillaries make up 95% of the blood vessels and are at significant risk of clogging with lipids, heavy metals, pesticides, hormones, dead blood cells, and platelets, among other substances. This will eventually result in several ailments, including atherosclerosis, autoimmune disorders, blood thickening, and cancer. Dietary, psychological, and hereditary variables alter blood circulation in the capillaries.



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